Thursday, July 11, 2013

Our Best Days//Chapter 1

Setting : Aaron and me living together in New York City.  Him trying to make it as an actor and me working in a grocery shop and vlogging as a side interest while I try to figure out what I want for my life.


I can feel his strong arms holding me, the heater’s busted again so we have to count on each other to keep ourselves warm.  No problems there.  He came closer and kissed my forehead before getting up to get ready.  My, my, my did another weekend just passed?  The worst part of the weekend is knowing that it would eventually end and we can’t do anything to stop it.  We sort of had our own routine for the weekends that usually ends with me making us hot cocoa and him making dinner with the radio tuning in some old rock and roll. 

                And now it’s Monday, ugh.  Monday means going to the shop I work at and stand there for approximately 8 hours, dealing with all sorts of people coming in.  I am so not in the mood to handle those crazy kids who I swear can’t understand the sign that clearly said ‘NO FREAKING FOOD ALLOWED’ and I end up having to clean after their wasabi flavored crackers.  I swear all the foods are getting so much weirder since I started working there.

                Aaron would usually go to his agency to see if there’s any audition or parts he could/did get.  Sometimes when I come home and saw him staring at the ceiling, all quiet with that expression on his face I wish there’s a way to let him know that hey, maybe our best days are set to be tomorrow.  But the thing about pep talk is, you know that it’s all crap so why waste your breath.  I’d just get on the bed and hold him.  Believe me, people don’t need to know you’re there to hear them out.  They just need you there.  I love those moments where he doesn’t have to say anything to me to make me feel better.  Just the sight of him is enough.

                I rolled on our bed and as I look at him getting dressed, I could see it in his eyes.  He’s tired.  Tired of it all.  I got up and hugged him from behind.  Tight.  He turned and we face each other. 

“You may or may not got that part today.  At least you’ll know what to do and where to go next.  Moping here won’t do anything.  Go and find out your future before I drag you out,” I tell him.

                He looked at me for a brief moment and grinned. 

“That’s that smile I’ve been waiting for,” I smiled back at him.  He turned to the mirror.

“Told you your mother was right by telling you to take psychology,” he added quietly.  As if I couldn’t hear him.

“Shut up, Aaron.”  I snapped and turn back to the bed.  He took me in his arms and swing me on the bed.  He’s on top of me. 

“Oh come on, babe.  Do you really want to send me off moping again?,” he cleverly said. 

“Fine.  I’ll just sit here and let you torture me with thought of my mother.  I’m pretty sure I left because she pressed on that psychology thing so maybe I’ll just do the same here, now wouldn’t that be a party?,” I raised my eyebrows as I  stare at his blue eyes.

                He raised his hands and stood on both of his knees and said “Wait a minute, hold that thought.  Are you planning to kill me?  Do you not want me in this world anymore?,” he teases. Ugh, I hate it when he knows he can piss me off and get away with it. 

“Fine.  Go to your agency and take my love, take all of it and I love you and go.  Whatever happens, you owe me a … new t-shirt or something.  Go get me something,” I said.  He smiled and kissed me.  We rolled over and I kissed him.  He gave me a peck on my nose and took his jacket and overcoat.

“I’ll bring home the bacon, baby.  That, I promise you,” he smiled and walked out the door.

“You’re an idiot. I love you, you idiot!,” I yelled.

                Which is true, I do love my idiot.

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