Thursday, July 11, 2013

Our Best Days//Chapter 2

                As I watch him walk outside the door, I feel a wretch in my gut.  What if he didn’t get the part?  What would happen then?  Then I laughed and think, oh come on.  They’ll love him.  And if they don’t, I’ll go there and make a PowerPoint presentation or something to show how good of a human being Aaron is.  You know, just in case they need some assurance.  Let’s hope it will not come to that.  I would hate to be the cheerleader girlfriend all the time even if he loses.  I want to …  I want him to be happy.  And he’s most happy when I see him on stage or just in our room, practicing a line or a scene.
                I know now I should never underestimate the feeling one have when they don’t have to be themselves and just be somebody else.  Not being yourself means no worries about just, anything.  You’d have a new set of mind, new set of clothes and a new set of attitude.  You would stop caring.  And it feels damn good to feel like that sometimes.

                I came home from work and saw him reading something on the bed.  His back against me.  I’m crap when it comes to body language and I don’t know whether I should greet him with smiles or just wear a vacant face.  When in dilemma, I usually gulped in nervousness and I think I got so nervous I swallowed a big one coz he turned to face me.  Like he knows I don’t know what to do.  Did I mention I also hate the fact that he can read my mind?  Men, they think they know everything.

                He rested his head on his palm and smiled at me.  Hmmm, not such a bad response.  Maybe his day did get on well.  I put down my bag and slide to his side.

“Guess what?,” he said.

“No, not the guess game.  Just tell me and tell me now.  No games.”

“I got a part on a commercial as …… (drum sound) a Christmas elf,” he proudly stated.

“Oh, wow.  Wait, what?  What happened at your agency?  Did you get the audition for that movie or not?  What? What?  An elf?  What?.”  You could tell I was flustered.

“Oh that movie thing, yeah guess I’m not cut for a Victorian student.  They said I don’t look studious enough.”

“Well, that’s crap.  You’ve read The Shining and that Harper Lee book or whatnot.  Is that not studious enough?,” I’m starting to get real mad now.

“No, babe.  I don’t care.  The commercial will open door for hopefully some scouts or directors for me.  Don’t you see?  This is good.”

“How did you got to be a Christmas elf anyway?  Don’t you have to be enrolled in, I don’t know, The School for Trained for TV Elf or something?,” I asked him.

“I was giving alms to Dudley, do you remember him the dude that collects all those old coupon just for fun?  I was crouching down to ask him about his new collection.  I was facing the road when I saw this baby carriage being carried away by the melted ice on the sidewalk.  Nobody tried to took hold of it so I ran for it.  The mother was in the shop next to me.  She was so busy shopping for that honey roasted turkey and just left her baby because the shop didn’t have any space for baby carriages.  Her husband happened to be one of the Managing Director for the commercial and I ended up being one of the elf that would help Santa give food to Rudolph or something”, Aaron grinned.

                I don’t even know how to respond to that story.  It is so movie-cliché I don’t even know what to say. 

Well, I guess I’m sleeping with Santa’s elf tonight.

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