Saturday, July 13, 2013

Our Best Days//Chapter 3

A few days later,


"OH MY GOD SHUT THE HELL UP!  It's bad enough you didn't shower with me and now you're officially ruining my day," I ranted at Aaron.

Usually we shower together, because I think I read somewhere that it actually saves water when you do so.  And also I like showering with Aaron.  So now I'm pissed off.

He continues singing that song for about another 5 minutes.  I don't hate the song but when you have to hear the same song for a week for every freaking morning you might grew tired of it.  I got up and got undressed and joined him in the shower.

"Babe, if you sing that song one more time in this life, I swear to God I will kick your ass so far away you can't even track yourself in GPS."

"Wo, wo, wo.  What is with all this hate on Taylor Swift?  She's adorable and she sings."

"Did you hear me complain about her?  Did you?  Fine now that we're in that topic I might as well add that she starts with singing country and now she's into pop oh and remember that rap song which was so horrible I rather scrape my skin off than hear it? "

"What's your point?"

"I DON'T KNOW.  Just stop singing her songs!  Or I'm gonna go crazy and mad and insane."

He shushed for a while.  Then he said,"You're cute when you're mad."

"Well,I'm gonna get pretty cute now.  What happened to those Queen songs or Aerosmith? WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO AEROSMITH?"

"Okay, okay I got your point.  You can calm down now,"he said as he holds my shoulders and rub them awkwardly.  He knows one should not come close to a fire.

"Are you sure it's my singing or Taylor you're mad at?" He said while looking in my eyes.

-cue BIG sigh-

"I don't know. I don't know.  You're out there and doing your thing and living your dream and I'm still here doing my lame job which I hate and I can't get out from.....  Is it wrong for me to be jealous?" I said as I stare into his blue eyes.

"I don't think doing a Christmas commercial is me living my dream."

"I mean you're out there.  Doing things that matters and people and kids are gonna love you. Oh,they're gonna be in love with you and I'm...."

We both paused.  We got out of the shower and dried ourselves.

"You think it's time you try that thing you love again?"

"What? Youtube?  I'm not so sure about that anymore.  I'm quite afraid.  No, terrified.  What if they hate me? What if they judge me? What if they talk crap about me?"

"Babe, babe. What if they love you?"

Hmmm, that does give me some perspective.

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